
Excel formula to remove duplicates
Excel formula to remove duplicates

excel formula to remove duplicates

Now all the duplicate cells in the selected range will be removed.Next, with the range selected navigate to the “Data” tab and select the option “Remove Duplicates”.First of all, select the range where the duplicate entries are present.Follow the below steps to use this option: Here we will use an inbuilt feature of Excel to delete the duplicate entries in a range. Method 2: Deleting Duplicate Records by using the ‘Remove Duplicates’ Option Select any color scheme from the drop-down, click “OK” and all the duplicate entries will be highlighted. Next, a dialog box will pop up which will ask you to select the color for highlighting the duplicate entries.With this range selected, on the “Home” Tab navigate to “Conditional Formatting” > “Highlight Cells Rules” > “Duplicate Values”.

excel formula to remove duplicates

  • First of all select the range, in which you wish to identify the duplicate records.
  • This is one of the easiest and fastest ways for finding duplicate values in excel. Method 1: Finding Duplicates using Conditional Formatting
  • Method 5: Highlighting Duplicate Values In Excel using VBA Script.
  • A Better Formula To Find and Delete Duplicates In Excel.
  • Example – Find Duplicates in Excel Using the COUNTIF Function.
  • Method 4: Using the COUNTIF Formula for Identifying and Deleting Duplicate Records.
  • Method 3: Separating Unique Records by Using Advanced Filters.
  • excel formula to remove duplicates

    Method 2: Deleting Duplicate Records by using the ‘Remove Duplicates’ Option.Method 1: Finding Duplicates using Conditional Formatting.

    Excel formula to remove duplicates